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How to Publish in AlterInfos?
Wednesday 23 November 2005, by
All the versions of this article: [English] [Español] [français]
AlterInfos is a news cooperative relying on people living around Latin America and elsewhere. Your contributions are also welcome.
How does this work?
You can propose articles related to Latin America in the language of your choice (Spanish, English, French or Portuguese) "proposing them for publication"; These articles will be first read by DIAL’s editors and then published online.
What to do?
As you enter AlterInfos main page click on the link "Espacio Privado // Private Area", which is located at the bottom of the page. You can also go directly to www.alterinfos.org/ecrire. Identify yourself (login: alterinfos, password: alterinfos) to access the space dedicated to publishing.
To begin, go to the icon that says "write new article".
Once you are on this new page, choose a title for your article. The title must begin with the name of the country or region the article talks about (if any). The country or region name must be typed with capital letters, followed by a dash (-) and the title of the article. As a “Subtitle”, please indicate the name of the author and the source, for example: Robert Dupont, Dial.
It is important to verify if you are allowed to publish the article. For example, The New York Times and other business-oriented journals prohibit total or partial reproduction of their publications.
Once you have entered the title, use the menu bar to choose the section in which to classify the article. This choice is made in relation to 1. the language, 2. the subject of the article, (Latin America or Global issues, for example.)
You may then go ahead and work on the body of the article. In the white box which is used for this purpose, you may copy & paste an article you found in another webpage (granting reproduction rights) or edited with a word-processor.
The small menu on top allows to format your article (bold letters, italics), and to create active links to other webpages.
To create paragraphs within the final version of the text, you must leave an blank line in the text you edit. If you leave two blank lines, or more, the final version will only show one.
At the end of the article don’t forget to mention the source, if you are republishing an article that was previously published somewhere else. If the article was published in another website, make sure to copy & paste the address.
You may also add pictures (taking into account copyright issues) or attach a document (the commands are on the right).
If it is the first time you propose an article in AlterInfos, we ask you to provide us with an email address at the end of the article, in case we need to get in touch with you. We might indeed come across problems while we check the article you propose (an incomplete sentence for example, copyright issues…) and if we cannot contact you, the article will remain unpublished without further explanation.
Once you are done, you must go to the bottom of the page and click on “Request the publication of this article”. This step is important as it will allow us to be notified that you proposed an article, and thus to review it sooner.
AlterInfos’ editors regularly check the site and validate the articles that respond to the informative goals of this site dedicated to Latin America.
Good luck with your publishing!
AlterInfos’ team.
email: redaction AT alterinfos.org
If you want to publish articles on a regular basis, we can create an individual login for you to facilitate submissions - send us an email.
Forum posts
1. How to Publish in AlterInfos?, 16 November 2007, 16:12