Portada del sitio > Agenda > 2006/01/18-31 - NEW YORK - DOCUMENTARY - The Fall of Fujimori at Film Forum

2006/01/18-31 - NEW YORK - DOCUMENTARY - The Fall of Fujimori at Film Forum

Lunes 16 de enero de 2006, puesto en línea por Dial

Wednesday, January 18 - Tuesday, January 31 • Two Weeks

Showtimes: 1:00, 2:45, 4:30, 6:15, 8, 10

The Fall of Fujimori


USA 2005 • 83 MINS.


Filmmaker Ellen Perry in person!

At the 8pm show on Wednesday, January 18th.

TWO DECADES BEFORE AMERICA LAUNCHED ITS “WAR ON TERROR,” PERU WAS ENGAGED IN ITS OWN BATTLE with deadly insurgent groups. Alberto Fujimori, who became president in 1990 - and then dictator - successfully fought terrorists during his ten years in power, but replaced their violence with his own, aided by his spectacularly corrupt henchman, Vladimiro Montesinos. Now Fujimori is on Interpol’s Most-Wanted List, charged with murder and corruption. Fleeing to Japan in 2000, he has lived in exile. It is here that filmmaker Ellen Perry interviewed him, the first person to be given such intimate access since his fall from power. Fujimori has announced his intention to return to Peru to run in the April 2006 election.


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