Dear Friends,
If you wish to make a donation to save Oaxaca Community Foundation please use the International Community Foundation dedicated page
Once there click on the icon that says: “Make a Donation” where you will be able to enter your information and become an official donor.
You may also contact Julieta Mendez at International Community Foundation at: Julieta[AT]
If you prefer to mail a check write it to:
Attn: Julieta Mendez “It’s For Oaxaca” Campaign International (…)
Home > English > Archives > ‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Campaign - Oaxaca Community Foundation [ENDED]
‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Campaign - Oaxaca Community Foundation [ENDED]
‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Fundraising Campaign
MEXICO - DONATE NOW! How to make a donation for Oaxaca Community Foundation 23 March 2007, posted by Manuela Garza Ascencio -
’It’s for Oaxaca’ fundraising campaign
MEXICO - The Give and Take of Charity: How Oaxaca changed meMichelle Ortega
20 March 2007, posted by Manuela Garza AscencioThe first time I saw her, I couldn’t quite believe how a woman so tiny could fill up the room with her smile. She blasted past all my barriers, and zoomed straight into my soul with her blinded eyes, her tiny voice shakily proclaiming “Welcome, mija (My daughter.) Praise the Lord he’s brought me a new friend today.” And for the first time in a long time, I felt like I’d come home.
We all called her “Abuelita,” (Spanish for grandma), not only because it was fitting, but mostly because no (…) -
‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Fundraising Campaign
MEXICO - Why we should help OaxacaOaxaca Community Foundation
19 March 2007, posted by Manuela Garza Ascencio• Oaxaca is one of the states with the greatest poverty and most extreme marginalization in Mexico. The poverty in some Oaxacan communities is comparible to contexts similar to Africa and India.
• 60% of the total Oaxacan population lives in municipalities that are considered very high and highly marginalized.
• 22% of the population is illiterate and 45% have not completed a high school education, with a ratio of 15 to 1 being men. A logical dissatisfaction with Oaxaca’s deplorable (…) -
MEXICO - ‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Fundrasing Campaign
Oaxaca Community Foundation
14 March 2007, posted by Manuela Garza AscencioFor the past 10 years, Oaxaca Community Foundation has been fully committed to providing relief to Oaxaca’s most marginal groups. Facilitating projects and acting as a catalyst for philanthropy, the Foundation administers charitable funds; pools assets to respond to community needs; supports local programs that assist in the conservation of natural resources; and distributes grants to non-profit organizations. In this way, we find strategic solutions to our community’s most critical needs. (…)